Masters of Science in Sustainability Management

Take the next step in your career and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Shape the Future of Sustainability

With a Masters of Science in Sustainability Management from Webster Leiden Campus, you will play a critical role in helping organizations navigate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulations, including:

  • Social issues (slavery, child labor, labor exploitation, and human rights)
  • Corporate governance and accountability
  • Regulatory powers impacting ESG practices (including new reporting regulations being implemented in Europe and abroad)

Whether you're seeking to advance your career or revolutionize your business operations, this program will equip you with the key skills and knowledge to succeed and make a positive impact.

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Develop and Implement Sustainable Best Practices

Learn to navigate the evolving landscape of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulations and reporting.

International Career Opportunities

Graduates obtain positions like Sustainability Manager, ESG Reporting Manager, Sustainable Policy Advisor, and more.

Professional Practice

Towards the end of the program, you will work with a real organization and take part in developing their sustainability strategy.

American Accredited Program

Webster Leiden Campus (est. 1983) is an international campus of Webster University (est. 1915) that carries full institutional and American accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.

Program length: 14 months

This program can be completed in 14 months for full-time students.

Scholarships Opportunities

Scholarship opportunities are available to support your studies including needs-based, merit-based and referral scholarships.

A growing demand for sustainability professionals

As sustainability continues to gain importance on a global scale, the demand for sustainability professionals is expected to grow significantly in the upcoming years.

Career Opportunities

A Master of Science in Sustainability Management equips you with interdisciplinary, analytical and problem-solving skills to tackle sustainable development challenges.

  • Sustainability Manager
  • ESG Reporting Manager
  • CSR Manager
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Manager
  • Environmental & Compliance Manager
  • Analyst/Manager for Sustainable Investment
  • Consultant for Sustainability Reporting
  • Policy Advisor on Sustainability Development

Why Webster Leiden Campus?

American Diploma

Earn your diploma from a well-established accredited American University with over 100 years of academic legacy.

International Classroom

Engage with faculty and curriculum that embrace a bold vision of global education.

European Location

Studying in the beautiful city of Leiden keeps you connected to major international metropolitan cities like Amsterdam and the Hague - only a train ride away.

Admission Requirements

Current CV or Resume

Letter of motivation (one page) stating why you want to pursue the program and how it ties into your current career or future professional goals.

Certified copies of your bachelor-level transcripts.

TOEFL 550/80 or IETLS 6.5 scores or other English proficiency scores if applicable.

Letter of recommendation from a professional supervisor, professor or other professional colleague who are able to comment on your strengths and ability to be a successful graduate student.

Program Tuition and Scholarships


  • Merit Based 20-30%
  • Needs-based
  • Corporate Partnerships

Program Fee

24,660 EUR

Cost of full program tuition (12 courses, 14 months)

Learning Outcomes

Explain the concept of sustainability and the theories underpinning sustainability management

Identify the opportunities and challenges for an organization in line with the governmental policies and regulations regarding sustainable development.

Analyze different business practices and technologies used in sustainability management and compare the tradeoffs between different solutions.

Students can measure and report the sustainability performance of an organization.

Develop a sustainability strategy for an organization in line with sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Boommarkt 1

2311 EA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 516 8000